120+ minut
1-5 hráčů / players
věk / age 10+
63 karet / cards + manual
1-5 hráčů / players
věk / age 10+
63 karet / cards + manual
Píše se rok 1975. Českosloveské socialistické republice vládne už skoro 30 let komunistický režim. Řadový občan Pavel je osudem zavlečen až ke státní hranici, kde se pokusí zrealizovat nebezpečný plán - útěk do svobodného světa. Dokážete najít cestu a vypátrat všechny informace v době, kdy se nedá nikomu věřit? Příběhem vás budou provázet karty s hádankami, ze kterých sestavíte mapu, která vám pomůže vymyslet nejlepší způsob, jak se dostat do západního Německa.
The year is 1975. The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic has been ruled by a communist regime for almost 30 years. Ordinary citizen Pavel is dragged by fate to the state border, where he tries to implement a dangerous plan - escape to the free world. Can you find your way and track down all the information in a time when no one can be trusted? Help Pavlo escape from the heavy totality through the Iron Curtain. Puzzle cards will accompany you through the story, from which you will build a map that will help you figure out the best way to get to West Germany.
The year is 1975. The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic has been ruled by a communist regime for almost 30 years. Ordinary citizen Pavel is dragged by fate to the state border, where he tries to implement a dangerous plan - escape to the free world. Can you find your way and track down all the information in a time when no one can be trusted? Help Pavlo escape from the heavy totality through the Iron Curtain. Puzzle cards will accompany you through the story, from which you will build a map that will help you figure out the best way to get to West Germany.