90+ minut
1-6 hráčů / players
věk / age 14+
38 karet / cards + manual
1-6 hráčů / players
věk / age 14+
38 karet / cards + manual
Úniková hra R.U.R. navazuje na děj Čapkova dramatu léta poté, co nad světem převzali nadvládu roboti. Zažijte v roli přeživšího Alquista neobyčejné dobrodružství a pokuste se zachránit osud lidstva. Hra nabízí díky průhledným kartám zcela nový zážitek a náročné úkoly.
Escape game R.U.R. follows the plot of Čapko's drama years after robots have taken over the world. Experience an extraordinary adventure in the role of survivor Alquist and try to save the fate of humanity. The game offers a completely new experience and challenging tasks thanks to the transparent cards.
Escape game R.U.R. follows the plot of Čapko's drama years after robots have taken over the world. Experience an extraordinary adventure in the role of survivor Alquist and try to save the fate of humanity. The game offers a completely new experience and challenging tasks thanks to the transparent cards.