120+ minut
1-6 hráčů / players
věk / age 14+
63 karet / cards + manual
1-6 hráčů / players
věk / age 14+
63 karet / cards + manual
Originální česká únikovka je inspirovaná dílem Franze Kafky. Hra se odlišuje inovativním mechanismem luštění, kdy se hrou nepostupuje karta za kartou, ale karty se rozhodí po stole do tzv. chumlu, ve kterém hráči hledají správné odpovědi na různé hádanky, rébusy a úlohy. Pro luštění této únikovky není potřeba znát Kafkův život či dílo.
The original Czech escape game is inspired by the work of Franz Kafka. The game is distinguished by its innovative solving mechanism, where the game is not played card by card, but the cards are scattered on the table into a so-called pile, in which players look for the correct answers to various puzzles, riddles and tasks. To solve this escape game, you do not need to know Kafka's life or work.
The original Czech escape game is inspired by the work of Franz Kafka. The game is distinguished by its innovative solving mechanism, where the game is not played card by card, but the cards are scattered on the table into a so-called pile, in which players look for the correct answers to various puzzles, riddles and tasks. To solve this escape game, you do not need to know Kafka's life or work.