Víte co je to úniková hra? A zajímalo by vás, jak vznikají rébusy a úkoly, na které v takové hře narazíte? Workshop provede publikum stručnou historií této nevšední zábavy, představí principy šifrování a ukáže metody, jak vytvářet rozmanité hádanky, bludiště či hlavolamy. Po skončení společné části lze individuálně konzultovat své herní projekty a náměty.
Do you know what an escape game is? And would you like to know how the puzzles and tasks you encounter in such a game are created? The workshop will guide the audience through a brief history of this unusual pastime, introduce the principles of encryption and show methods of creating various riddles, mazes and puzzles. After the end of the common part, you can individually consult your game projects and themes.
Do you know what an escape game is? And would you like to know how the puzzles and tasks you encounter in such a game are created? The workshop will guide the audience through a brief history of this unusual pastime, introduce the principles of encryption and show methods of creating various riddles, mazes and puzzles. After the end of the common part, you can individually consult your game projects and themes.