Co činí deskovku teplou? A hrajou queer lidé deskovky? Přednáška seznámí publikum s deskovými hrami, které jsou buď přímo o queer tématech nebo určitým způsobem začleňují neheterosexuální identitu do svého herního světa. Stručný přehled her z nedávné historie i současnosti následuje diskuze s publikem o tom, jak by si představovali ideální deskovku, co jim v deskoherním světě chybí a jak mohou podpořit queer autorstvo v herním průmyslu. Setkání lze zakončit hraním donesených či vlastních deskových her.
What makes a board gay? And do queer people play board games? The lecture will introduce board games that are either directly about queer themes or incorporate a non-heterosexual identity into their world in some way. A brief overview of games from recent history and the present is followed by a discussion with the audience about how they would imagine the ideal board game, what they miss in the board game world and how they can support queer authorship in the game industry. The meeting can concluded by playing brought board games.
What makes a board gay? And do queer people play board games? The lecture will introduce board games that are either directly about queer themes or incorporate a non-heterosexual identity into their world in some way. A brief overview of games from recent history and the present is followed by a discussion with the audience about how they would imagine the ideal board game, what they miss in the board game world and how they can support queer authorship in the game industry. The meeting can concluded by playing brought board games.